About Guardian MSA Medicare Set Aside Services

Nationally Certified Medicare Specialists

Guardian MSA - Nationally Certified Medicare Specialists

At Guardian MSA we believe in the strength of the team, that knowledge is power, and with the right information, an optimal result can be obtained. Our team can provide you with the strength to support your position going forward with your claim, with the right knowledge to analyze the proper value of your claim and in taking Medicare's interests into account.

At Guardian MSA, we are committed to serving our clients by providing them an accurate assessment of what interests Medicare has in any potential settlement you may be negotiating. We will help by providing a Medicare Set Aside (MSA) and assessment of risks and smarter choices for claim settlement. Our wide array of products and services include Expedited Settlement Medical Cost Projections, Medicare Set Asides, Life Care Planning, and Lien Verification and Lien Negotiations.

Our company serves attorneys, self-insurers, insurers, reinsurers, brokers, adjusters, and attorneys. Guardian MSA was founded as a specialized Medicare Set Aside national assessment service and product company in order to fulfill the needs of parties participating in Workers Compensation and Liability claims under the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Service requirements.